Map of the week
My progress on the map of Sudlever

Olympic park and city center

Kneusjes and city center

Eastern side of the river: Arder and Seedorf

Coat of arms

Motto: Leberter, Mét, Unkrie (Freedom, Justice, Peace)
Area ~ (not measured yet)
Population ~ 99 998 000
Eend - 12 350 000
Elb-Marjaan - 3 667 000
Sonard - 28 350 000
Lerfort - 2 551 000
Beck - 9 670 000
Nord - 2 673 000
Tron - 12 207 000
Unten - 17 320 000
Noor - 11 210 000
Largest cities:
Sudlever: 3 230 987
Lerfort (capital): 2 551 359
Trontet: 1 815 067
Eendlever: 1 675 345
Becker: 1 503 057
Werd: 1 229 539
Onderade: 1 002 578
Eber: 890 120
Noorgeen: 705 670
Diekamer: 601 023
Ruut: 600 238
Gonain: 590 100
Huster: 581 571
Norderen: 533 201
Mariaan: 503 827
Largest metro areas
Sudlever M.Region (Sudlever) : 10 M
Eendlever Pendertag (Eendlever): 7 M
Lerfon M.Region (Lerfort): 6 M
Trontet-Enegg Region (Trontet): 5 M
Werdon Pendertag (Werd): 4 M
Ondradon Region (Onderade): 4 M
Beck Rietorke (Becker): 2 M
Eberer Region (Eber): 2 M
Noorgon Pendertag (Noorgeen): 1 M
Gonon M.Region (Gonain): 1 M
km. of motorway: (not measured yet)
km. of expressway: (not measured yet)
density per squared km.: (not measured yet)
km. of rail: (not measured yet)
km. of HSR: (not measured yet)
Total: 44
Int'l Airports: 14
Seaports (cargo)
Total: 18
Currency: Roog (RRG)
Achia map
Achia elevation map
Achia rail service map
Achia population density map
Achia Geofiction: (almost) all hand drawn.
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